Who are the volunteers?
Volunteers are dog owners who visit the park that wanted to help the park and to have a voice in what improvements are made.
Who can be an volunteer?
Anyone. Typically it is owners of dogs who visit the park.
What do volunteers do?
We meet once a month to discuss park improvements, plan events, plan fundraising. We hold events at the park to raise awareness and money. We make decisions on what the money will be spent on. We police the park and make sure the rules are enforced. We have fun. We are working towards becoming an offical non-profit. We work with Chesterfield County Parks to maintain the park. We empty the trash cans, stock the poop bags, cleanup the park, repair the fences and shade structures, supply water bowls and toys.
How can I be a volunteer?
Email us and let us know you want to help out. Join our email list so you are informed of upcoming events that need volunteers. Also you will be notified of volunteer meetings you can attend.
What happens to the money the volunteers raise and people donate?
The money is spent by the Friends of Ruff House to purchase items for the park including: poop bags, garbage bags, garbage cans, dog toys, signs, storage boxes, and dog bowls. And to pay for improvements such as the concrete areas under the water faucets, building of benches, and in the future, adding shade.

To create a fenced-in, off-leash dog park where well behaved canine citizens can exercise in a clean, safe environment without endangering people, property, other dogs or wildlife.
To develop a beautiful and well-maintained space open to dog lovers and friends who are willing to uphold the park's rules and regulations.
To view the park as a community project in partnership with Chesterfield County Parks and Recreation designed to satisfy the needs of dog owners and non-dog owners alike.
To promote education, training and recreational activities that facilitate responsible dog ownership for improvement in socialization of dogs through the use of volunteers and professional dog trainers.
To maintain a positive presence in the community, encourage community/member involvement, and recreation through the Dog Park.
To maintain a respectful, enlightened co-existence with other park users through properly supervising and maintaining appropriate conduct of dogs off-leash.